Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Hillary Rodhm Clinton (giggle) said yesterday (giggle, giggle) the George W. Bush presidency (Ha! Ha!) will go down in history (Ha! Ha! Snort!) as the worst in history. Yeah, right, Hil, directly behind the travesty that was the "Slick Willie" Presidency. I'd write and laugh more, but I have to go to my soon to be out-sourced job. Don't worry, thanks to Bill Clinton and NAFTA I'll be able to get another job in nearby Mexico. I just need to learn to speak Spanish and how to live on 3 pesos a day.

Thursday, January 12, 2006


Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's condition continues to improve after a massive stroke though he remains in a drug induced coma. Being in a coma of course still makes him more aware than many world leaders such as George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. (Did I hear someone say Tony Blair?)


After a more than six month work and personal life induced coma MORONS the blog is back at it!!!! Speaking of comas see our next item!!!